
Helping Business Weather the Storm

Alerting in Bunches

by JT Johnson, on Dec 2, 2015 2:50:44 PM

One of WDT’s technical capabilities that we are very proud of is our highly scalable alerting infrastructure.

During November 25-30, 2015, a significant Winter Storm traversed the US bringing frozen precipitation across much of the MidWest generating numerous watches, warnings and advisories generated both by the NOAA NWS and WDT WeatherOps meteorologists.

Weather Alert Types

The above chart shows the types of weather alerts that were issued to our mobile clients (WDT’s mobile apps as well as those of our partners).  We issued right at 6,000,000 alerts to our end users during this time for a variety of alert types. 

Weather Alert Types

Here, in light blue, we can see the 1.2 million Winter Weather Advisory alerts issued.

Weather Alert Types

And in this chart, the bright green shows the 771,000 Ice Storm Warning alerts issued. 

It was the Winter Weather Advisories and Ice Storm Warnings that generated the most alerts to our users during this Winter Storm. 

These alerts are generated and sent to our users within seconds of the receipt of the NOAA NWS or WDT WeatherOps generated bulletin.  Use of our patented (US 8,519,860, US 8,788,606, US 8,990,333) alerting infrastructure makes that possible on a very large scale.

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