Weather from WeatherOps

WDT Attends ATM Global in Madrid!

Written by Daphne Thompson | Mar 9, 2016 8:04:15 PM

WDT is exhibiting our aviation weather solutions at the global Air Traffic Management (ATM) conference in Madrid, Spain. The 2016 ATM Global conference has over 6000 registered attendees and over 200 exhibitors. The purpose of the conference is to bring together airport, traffic control, airlines, and other stakeholders to discuss the future of air traffic control and safety using proven and emerging technologies.


As air traffic worldwide continues substantial growth, traffic management and safety concerns also continue to grow. Weather monitoring and forecasting is a critical component of this growth as it is estimated that weather related issues account for approximately 70% of all aircraft delays.


By attending the conference, WDT continues to expand our presence in the aviation community and potential aviation weather customer base. WDT provides aviation weather solutions through weather monitoring equipment and decision support software installations at international airports, along with weather support and forecasts for global flight operations.