Weather from WeatherOps

Spring is on the way, and dangerous weather is coming with it…

Written by Marcus Hicks | Feb 16, 2016 8:09:13 PM

You, like most organizations, have an inclement weather plan that provides guidance when dangerous weather strikes.  How much more effective could those plans be?


In 2015 there were 1259 reported tornadoes across the United States. December 23rd 2015 there were 39 tornadoes that caused 18 fatalities.


Our team understands that you have enough to worry about just managing your business so here are some things you can do this year to ensure your staff and facilities are safe.


STEP 1. Redevelop your business continuity plan- As you begin to redevelop your plan, the first step is to make sure all critical departments are represented. This will ensure critical functions are identified when preparing for weather disruptions including staff levels or loss of utilities.


STEP 2. Conduct a threat analysis - Are you located in tornado alley? A flood zone? On average, how many hurricanes does your town get in a five-year period? Make a list of every possible weather-related event that has or could occur. Consider the likelihood of new situations. Think also about how you are currently receiving weather information and think about how to improve that.


Receiving timely and accurate information provides the ability to act when necessary but also prevents false alarms that can be costly disruptions.


STEP 3. Be ready at all times - Evacuation orders, safety and health hazards, or damaged infrastructures may prevent employees from reporting to assigned locations in a timely manner. Identify alternative, prioritized gathering places and contact arrangements for employees to meet after a disaster. In addition, consider the credentials employees will need for gaining access into a disaster area, as authorities may restrict entry.


When your business or outdoor event is threatened by dangerous weather; filtering through the noise from the numerous sources of information to determine exactly how your facility, staff and customers will be affected, can be daunting.


Weather Decision Technologies understands this challenge and that is why we’ve created WeatherOps Commander to support you by providing accurate and timely information that will ensure the safety of your personnel and facilities no matter the location. WeatherOps Commander allows you access to real-time weather information as it pertains to your asset(s) through a master console.



A 7-day and/or 2-day overview of the weather provides a quick glance for situational awareness at or near your asset and with lightning proximity, NWS Watch and Warning alerts delivered via HTML, email and WeatherOps Commander mobile app, you can feel comfortable that any decision you make related to your operation is supported by the industry leader, providing organizations with weather decision support from our world-renowned WeatherOps forecast team on a global scale.

Weather threatens life and property; however, the way you’ve prepare for and how respond to these threats could also affect your company’s reputation.


Start protecting your staff and your company’s assets by adding WeatherOps into your decision making process today.