Weather from WeatherOps

New App Creates the Weather You Want, When You Want It

Written by Steve Miller | Apr 1, 2016 2:13:06 PM

New WishCaster App for consumer-level weather modification hits the mainstream  


Norman, OK – April 1, 2016 — Weather risk and analytics leader Weather Decision Technologies, Inc. (WDT) announces the release of WishCaster on Android and iOS platforms. WishCaster utilizes geo-spatial algorithms and other big buzzwords to create, cancel or modify the weather anywhere in the U.S.


WishCaster is a full-featured mobile weather application that allows users to choose from six different types of weather, then simply tap on an interactive map to unleash the weather type chosen at any location. WishCaster was designed so even a child can use it, although we do not particularly recommend allowing a child anywhere remotely near it.


“We were hesitant at first to release WishCaster because we understand that with great power comes great responsibility and we are essentially putting the power of Mother Nature in the palms of hands across the U.S.” says WDT CEO, Mike Eilts. He adds “I mean really, what could go wrong?”


“We here at WDT identified a need and did everything in our power to meet that need. In the process we changed many lives during Alpha and Beta phases and have, as a result, learned a considerable amount about ‘Acts of God’ as applied to insurance litigation” states JT Johnson, WDT’s CTO.


The WishCaster app is available today and download links can be found at In-app purchases include:

  • Weather intensity and duration control – Because why not?
  • Saved locations – Teach someone a lesson more than once.
  • #PolarVortex option – For nat gas and heating oil traders.
  • Fake radar sweep – we took the one from RadarScope and added it here.


About Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.

Headquartered in Norman, Oklahoma, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc. (WDT) provides organizations with weather analytics and decision support on a global scale. The company utilizes big data solutions to develop and provide weather analytics such as hazardous weather detection and prediction, high resolution forecasts, decision analytics, content for mobile apps as well as interactive mapping.  WDT employs the world-renowned WeatherOps forecast team, staffed by experts who provide global asset protection and commodities trading decision support. Be it asset protection, positioning of goods and services ahead of weather or as response to weather, making an April Fool’s joke, or simply warning the general public of impending adverse weather, WDT has a product to fit any need.