Weather from WeatherOps

La Información Meteorológica es Importante Para Todos

Written by Daphne Thompson | May 5, 2016 6:39:29 PM

On this Cinco de Mayo, I bet many of you are looking forward to eating some tacos, fajitas or tamales. Some of you may already be contemplating a margarita! While you are visiting your local Mexican food establishments, it is important to remember that weather information should be easily understandable for those who are cooking and serving you. It should be important for everyone.

 Are you old enough to remember watching Schoolhouse Rock? There was a great cartoon about how we were the Great American Melting Pot. Here is a section of the lyrics:



The great American melting pot.

America was founded by the English,
But also by the Germans, Dutch, and French.
The principle still sticks;
Our heritage is mixed. 

So any kid could be the president.


Many communities have some percentage of the population that speak a language different from the rest of the area. Sign language, Spanish, German and Chinese are just a few examples. If you live in a large city, like New York or San Francisco, there are many more languages being spoken. Those who speak English as a second language are just learning our language, so conveying important and life saving information in a stressful situation may work better when someone speaks to them in a way that they can easily understand.


Univision in OKC Using WDT RadarScope (available in the App Store and Google Play)


Whether it is severe storms in the spring or a blizzard in the winter, being able to explain what is going on to those who speak others languages is vital. If you are a fluent speaker of a second language, volunteer to help others communicate severe weather information. Check with your emergency management and see if they need help making pamphlets in another language. Email your local NOAA National Weather Service office and see if they can use your help. If you work in the weather broadcast business, consider reaching out to your community and finding the best way to get information to everyone. La información meteorológica es importante para todos!